2011年12月20日 星期二

給傳教士的聖誕巧克力 Chocolate for our missionary

Yesterday my husband asked me to help prepare Christmas gifts for missionaries in our ward. I thought it's kind of late to start but still have time to prepare. I thought of our Christmas on mission, we got tons of chocolate candies that filled a whole big drawer full!

Thank to "Our Best Bite"'s great idea of candy bar wrapper printable, I changed the words to Chinese and English for missionary in Taiwan. Print, Cut, Wrap! Soooo CUTE!!

Hope these could allow our American missionaries to feel a bit of warm and home.:)


剛好在Our Best Bite看到自製Candy Bar Wrapper的作法,於是我換掉賀詞內容,用Illustrator編輯中英文的賀詞,去7-11列印順便買兩條巧克力,回家剪下包上,真可愛!




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