I know it's already December 6th, but I still want a Christmas advent calendar this year. Thought about this in the past since I first saw others' work of quilts online.
It is not common to celebrate Christmas in Taiwan. As Christian I want to build up our own Christmas traditions with children. I think the advent calendar is a great idea and fun to do with kids. I like the scripture version so tonight I made one for us!
I used this version of calendar designed by Amy at LivingLocurto.com. I love the bright and cheerful Christmas colors. For patterned papers, I got the free image from Papercraft Inspirations. The colors perfectly match the number circles.
The original words were designed for kids only. So I made my own version with Chinese Nativity Scriptures. I think not many people have seen a Chinese version of advent calendar..... :) I share the PDF at the end.
I love this calendar!! Finally we have a Christmas decoration in the house! YAY!
Here are other four different sets of Christmas patterned papers:
1. issue 65
2. issue 66 Christmas Cheer
3. issue 93 Christmas Songbird
4. issue 80 Kirsty Neale
這個設計源自Liviing Lucurto的Amy所設計的Christmas Advent Calendar。我喜歡這樣明亮活潑的聖誕色彩。聖誕色紙的圖案則取自Papercraft Inspirations。這個站有很多免費色紙可下載列印供個人使用。剛好兩部份的顏色相配!
(Click here to download the original design of Amy's Christmas Advent Calendar)
(Click here to download Chinese Christmas Scripture Cards)
1.從Papercraft Inspirations下載三張喜歡的聖誕色紙,分別列印到三張A4卡紙上。

2 則留言:
Janette好,我想下載那個色紙,但是進去網站以後卻找不到,請問是已經被拿掉了嗎? 謝謝~
經過多年應該是失效了,抱歉。建議改用色紙,包裝紙,或是Google搜尋Christmas printable digital paper.