After advent calendar, it's time for the nativity set. It's not easy for toddlers to comprehend the story of nativity from scriptures. We have to tell the story with a story book with images or dolls to assist. With Linda's example, I think a paper nativity set is wonderful! We don't have to worry if they break it. It cost only few dollars, we can always make a new one if kids break it. XD
做了倒數月曆後,現在要來做馬槽了。幼兒很難從經文了解聖誕節的由來,耶穌基督誕生的故事,有故事書或是其他道具幫助她更容易了解。在台灣很難買到Nativity Set,看了Linda的分享後,我覺得紙作的也很讚!也較不怕千千弄壞,壞了再做一個便宜又快。

千千非常喜歡這組馬槽,愛不釋手,我想這真是做對了!Evelyn loves her nativity set. I'm glad I made it.
我在網路上找到很多Nativity Set的紙型,挑了其中四個我喜歡的跟大家分享:(點圖進入)
I found quite a few printable nativity sets online. Here are four different sets I like:(click on images to enter)
1. Kidpremiership

2. Design Dazzle

3. MakingFriends
4. Sesamo
